
Showing posts from March, 2017


Hai Semua... Ini adalah hasil 'Go English Project' yang saya buat dengan kawan saya (Aisyah Imran) untuk anjuran TOEFL di seluruh dunia bertemakan FRIENDSHIP  . Semoga dapat memberi manfaat kepada para pembaca😍😍 Friendship is a compound word . Combination of ' Friend ' and 'Ship'. Let us give you an annology.<Friendship is like a ship. You'll need a captain a crew and also an expert indicator to show ways. To set sail you need all of them. We  can use the same concept as 'FRIENDSHIP'> <In a friendship you need a captain. Who will lead you troughout the journey. The crew in a friendship comes with variety of personalities which would complete each other. It goes same in friendship to have an indicator. It helps you to sail through the journey however it's up to you tu determine which way lead to the right path. Friend is also someone who is willing to lend their ears and shoulders through sad and happy time.> You know actually tr...